Saturday, 3 August 2013

Renting of Driveways

One of today's news headlines features Eric Pickle's (the Local Government Minister) bid to "takes on town halls' new driveway tax".

Some Councils are requiring residents to submit a planning application, along with a £385 fee, before they can rent out their driveways.  Eric Pickles has branded this requirement as a "driveway tax".

This is a classic case of Government rules and regulations having not quite caught up with this exciting new world we are living in.

Specialist websites are popping up all the time to help householders earn some extra money from their property and possessions.  Householders can now rent out pretty much anything from their lawnmower to their garden shed for storage space.

This is good news for householders (a source of extra cash at a time of stagnant wages) and good news for the people that rent (more flexibility and more choice).

We just need to wait for the rules and regulations to catch up.

Find out more on the Government's new guidelines for householders seeking to rent out their driveways and parking spaces at
