We take you through a website that offers you the support to tackle the above issues, and more.
The Government's Business is Great Britain website aims to provide:
"Support, advice and inspiration for growing your business".
We are happy to report that the website succeeds in this aim. We direct you to the best nuggets of advice contained in the website.
1. Marketing to make your business grow
Do you need support with your marketing? Find out about the wide variety of resources that can help you market your business at Marketing to make your business grow.
2. Financing business growth
Have you been turned down for a business loan? A bank loan is not the only way that you can raise money to fund your business. Learn more about the range of ways to raise funding at Financing business growth.
3. Winning business from large corporations
Do you feel intimidated at the prospect of pitching your product to a large corporation? Winning business from large corporations helps you take advantage of the opportunities of working with large companies, and allows you to search for opportunities through a Business Exchange.
4. Dealing with late payments
Do you know your rights when your customer is not paying up in time? If a customer is late in paying for goods or services you have provided, learn how you can claim interest and debt recovery costs at Dealing with late payments.
5. Tax relief and incentives
Are you aware of the potential tax perks available to your business? If your business meets certain criteria, it may qualify for help with business rates or tax relief for research and development. Find out more at Tax relief and incentives.
6. Intellectual Property Rights
Have you a great business idea that you want to protect? Learn more about copyright, designs, patents and trademarks at Intellectual Property Rights.
7. Complying with Regulations
Do you feel daunted by the raft of regulations impacting on your business? Find out whether you need a licence for your business activity and check which regulations may apply to your product or service at Complying with Regulations.
8. Help with creating faster Broadband connection
Is your sluggish broadband speed slowing your business down? Get a broadband Connection Voucher up to the value of £3,000 to help cover your upfront connection costs for faster, better broadband at Help with creating faster Broadband connection.
The House-Saver Verdict on Business is Great Britain
This is a great website. The site provides up-to-date, practical advice for businesses, and is brimming with inspirational case studies. This is a website that warrants bookmarking by any small business owner.