Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Welcome to House-Saver

House-Saver - Here to Inspire
Hello and welcome to House-Saver.  The purpose of the House-Saver website is to inspire you on ways to make money and save money from your home.  Thanks for all the great feedback.

A big thank you to the Government Planning Portal for letting us embed their excellent Interactive House on the House-Saver website.  This has proved a great way of bringing the website to life.

Making the Green Deal Happen
In my first Blog I want to focus on the Government's Green Deal scheme.  

House-Saver places a major emphasis on identifying ways to save on your energy bills and to generate your own energy.  The Green Deal can assist on both accounts.

The Green Deal has been receiving mixed press in recent weeks.  Last week the BBC website published a piece on the lack of take-up of the scheme so far.  This is a real shame because we at House-Saver think that the Green Deal is an excellent initiative.  

We believe that the Green Deal can be the solution to Britain's notoriously draughty homes.  The Green Deal can help fund (often expensive) home improvements, which if carried out properly, can dramatically reduce our energy bills. 

This scheme could not be more timely, with most commentators expecting energy bills to continue to rise and household finances to continue to be squeezed.

Okay, so the Green Deal is a bit complicated, with its 'assessors', its 'providers', and its 'installers' - but it does not need to be.  We are still in the early days of the scheme -  the message will get clearer - the benefits will get clearer too.  

We will soon be hearing about real-life examples of where the Green Deal has helped households to fund home improvements that have reduced their energy bills.

  • Our message to the Government - get the message out
  • Our message to providers - keep the faith
  • Our message to builders and trades people - get yourselves trained up as approved installers
  • Our message to surveyors - get yourselves trained up as approved assessors
  • Our message to householders - take advantage of the Green Deal in order to keep a lid on those ever rising energy bills.

Next Time
Next time, I'll be staying on the theme of reducing our energy bills.

Most of us will be aware of domestic wind and solar power technologies, but I want to feature some of the other domestic energy generation technologies that are available.  

There are lots of options out there.  I will be reviewing biomass heating systems, micro hydro plants, micro-CHP systems, ground source heating, air source heating, and a few other rather unconventional ways to power your home!

Look forward to hearing from you.


1 comment:

  1. Good blog. I'm thinking of using green deal financing to help pay for a new boiler. My concern is that if when I come to sell my house, and I have not yet made all the repayments, that this will put off potential buyers. I think the problem with the green deal is that there are to many unknowns.
